Announcement: Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19)
Important information regarding policy and procedural changes.
During this difficult and uncertain time, we would like to assure the community that we are taking additional precautions and procedures to ensure the health and safety of all families and their guests. Our facilities are fully stocked with antibacterial soaps, disinfectants and powerful ventilation systems. Our staff will work diligently cleaning and sanitizing all facilities.
We will continue to ensure that families are able to celebrate their loved one however they choose.
Procedural Changes:
- Funeral arrangements can be made available via telephone or on our website.
- Social distancing is recommended and should be practiced to the best of our ability.
- Increased cleaning and disinfection of all facilities.
- All funeral home policy is in accordance with recommendations and orders of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), NY State Health Department and all other necessary federal and state agencies.